Odoo Website Builder Review: Features & Benefits

This is your gateway into the dynamic features and benefits that make Odoo Website Builder a powerhouse in website development. Delve into the intricacies of its user-friendly interface, compare its strengths with other platforms like WordPress, & uncover why choosing Odoo Website Builder is a strategic move. From drag-and-drop customisation to SEO-friendly tools, we show how Odoo empowers you to create visually stunning & highly functional websites.
Odoo Website Builder Review: Features & Benefits
Gravitai, Adam Roe
13 December 2023 Odoo

OdooWebsiteOdoo 17

Odoo Website Builder is a 'versatile' website development platform that offers a wide range of features to help users create stunning websites with ease.

Popular with many existing Odoo customers - the website application is one that is seeing constant development both across version updates within Odoo and customers continuing to develop their own websites with new functionality, content and features.

Not to mention the new features coming with Odoo 17.

You are even viewing a website right now that is built using the Odoo Website Builder. 

Pretty crazy, right?

Before we take a dive into the logistics of Odoo website and how you can get started, take a look at the most recent announcements for Odoo Website Builder in Odoo's latest version release - Odoo 17.

A Super User-Friendly Interface

Odoo Website Builder boasts a user-friendly, intuitive interface that makes website creation accessible to both beginners and experienced developers. Perfect for any aspiring business and bigger organisations looking at Odoo as a possible platform.

A modern website builder for modern business.

[Source - TechRadar]

Its drag-and-drop functionality allows you to build your site without needing to write a single line of code. With SMBs in mind, they love Odoo's website builder due to its ease of use. With the likes of PAs, Assistants, and even Project Managers easily able to edit something on the website if need be.

Well, they should not be, but you get where I am coming from in regards to how easy it is.

Odoo's easy website editor including drag-and-drop functionality.

[Source - Cybrosys Technologies]

Of course, naturally, you can change restrictions to certain users, but you get the example.

While naturally we are talking about a user-friendly interface, this might be a good time to give a little tip. KEEP IT SIMPLE. I can't stress this enough. You want to be aiming for the least number of clicks possible, along with having a stress-free site that your customers are going to get frustrated with.

The Extensive Template Library

One of the standout features of Odoo Website Builder is its extensive template library.

It provides a diverse range of professionally designed templates for various industries and use cases. These templates serve as an excellent starting point for your website, saving you time and effort.

Odoo's website templates for various businesses.

[Source - Website Planet]

I would highly advise that you keep everything out of the box. A bit of code is fine if you fancy yourself a techie, but when it comes to extensive theme plugins that cost you money, you are going to be best off steering clear.

Odoo Vs WordPress

Now, I am sure you have heard of WordPress naturally.

When it comes to choosing a website development platform, you're likely to consider the battle between Odoo Website Builder and WordPress somewhere down the line.

Most have heard of it along with other suitable platforms such as Wix or Squarespace online.

WordPress editor for websites.

[Source - WordPress Screenshot]

Let's break down the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. This should give you a little more insight into them compared together so you can make an informed judgement.


Customisation across websites is critical to any business. Let's not forget that each company has different requirements, needs and wants when it comes to customising existing templates. Each business needs to feel unique to ensure that they are ahead of the competition.

WordPress is known for its extensive library of plugins and themes, providing more customisation options. There are no two ways about it - that WordPress has the upper edge over Odoo when it comes to customisations. This is due to the extensive list of plugins which are on offer. Without even considering paid options, there are 59,742 plugins.

Yeah, that is a lot.

It is not surprising, however. WordPress is the world's most prominent website builder for a reason, but due to its customisation complexities, it can put a lot of customers off. That is where Odoo comes in.

Let's not forget, however, that with more plugins, there could be more complications. That again results in requiring more expertise for configuration or training and, you guessed it, an uprise in costs.

Odoo does offer plugins as well as WordPress, but not as many. Through its drag-and-drop editor, Odoo's testament is to 'keep everything out of box' to ensure limited confusion for SMBs. The Odoo Website Builder is, of course, editable and customisable but less compared to WordPress.

Odoo's Available Plugins

Ease of Use

Critical to any business - ease of use is essential, especially for SMBs on tight budgets wanting to edit and configure content.

We hinted at the importance of it before, but this really is where Odoo comes into its own.

WordPress offers powerful features, but based on my experience and that of others within the community, it can be a steep learning curve, especially for beginners. We have to remember again that people from non-website / technical backgrounds would need to be highly skilled to use such a platform in addition to any other plugins that are also being used.

This however is not the case for Odoo.

With various users in mind and a user-friendly interface, as we previously discussed - you can build a website with little to no coding experience at all.

If you don't believe me, take a look at Samuel Buccheri (Odoo Web Designer) at Odoo Experience 23, talking more about on why you should consider Odoo for your website.

[Source - Odoo]

I would highly recommend not to neglect ease of use. Especially if you are a small business, let's not forget that with SMBs - time is critical, so the less time you dedicate to ensuring that your website is a success means you can spend time elsewhere.


A significant factor in any business. Not to mention once again with SMEs in mind here.

WordPress is free to use, but costs can significantly add up. Again, mentioning expertise, if you don't know / can't understand the platform, then there will be some costs associated with it. Given the fact that you might also need to select individuals with particular skills if specific plugins are being used.

You then have the additional factor of plugin prices if needed, and they usually are...

Odoo, on the contrary, is automatically optimised for performance and speed. This only upgrades further with each new version that Odoo brings out. FREE of charge if you are already on an Odoo plan, of course. With WordPress - it has been known that if your Website Theme has a significant update - then you might have to log an additional charge to undertake that as well.

Odoo Website provides a cost-effective solution for businesses and companies of all sizes.

Check Website Pricing


Now, if I told you this is one of the things that SMBs ignore the most, would you believe me? Well, it's true. We have experienced countless performance issues across WordPress with existing customers.

While the platform can genuinely excel, it comes back to the complexity issue again. Are you prepared to handle such premium themes, plugins, hosting and ongoing maintenance with the expertise that you have in-house? It can be a hard ask when costs play a massive factor as well.

Odoo, on the other hand, is already optimised for performance and speed. This also ensures that the customer is having a responsive user experience. Critical to selling. You can, of course, consult a further partner like Gravitai when it comes to your website, but even we would say it is not typically needed. Adapt and adopt the platform entirely.

Test Your Website Performance

When it comes to performance I would highly recommend that you undertake a GTMetrix test. This is a bit of a trick of the trade for us techies to get an understanding of how the website is currently performingunderstanding improvements and gaining insights and data. More importantly it is also free to do.

Head to GTMetrix to undertake your FREE test.

Why Even Think About Odoo?

Selecting the right website development platform is a critical decision that can significantly impact your online presence and business success.

[Source - Giphy]

Odoo Website Builder emerges as a strategic choice with a myriad of compelling advantages that can transform your digital journey. In this section, we will explore why Odoo Website Builder stands out in the crowded field of website development platforms.

Its ability to seamlessly integrate with other Odoo apps, its adaptability to the changing needs of your business, and the robust support and community that surround it make Odoo Website Builder an exceptional solution. 

Let's delve deeper into these factors and discover how they can elevate your website development experience to new heights. 

Seamless Integration

Odoo's suite of business applications is a significant advantage.

The Website Builder seamlessly integrates with other Odoo apps, such as CRMinventory, and e-commerce, allowing businesses to manage their operations efficiently. This integration is like having a well-coordinated orchestra where every instrument plays in harmony.

"Location is to Real Estate as Integration is to Technology"


For businesses, this means that your website can seamlessly connect with your CRM, e-commerce, and inventory management systems. Here's why this is so advantageous:

  • Efficient Data Management: Odoo Website Builder, data sharing and synchronisation between your website and other Odoo apps become effortless. This leads to more efficient business operations, as customer data from your website can automatically populate your CRM, and inventory levels can be updated in real-time.
  • Unified User Experience: Customers and visitors experience a seamless journey across your website and other systems, resulting in a consistent and satisfying user experience. This level of integration is a significant competitive advantage, as it streamlines transactions and interactions.
  • It's where Odoo also flourishes. One price for all applications across the board.

If CRM is a significant requirement within your business use case - I would highly recommend taking a look at this wonderful recap from the brillIant Amy Caroline.

[Source - Odoo]

Scalability For Business Growth

Odoo Website Builder is designed with scalability in mind. Whether you're a small start-up or a rapidly expanding enterprise, this platform can adapt to your evolving needs. The scalability factor is particularly advantageous because it ensures:

  • Consistent Performance: As your website traffic and functionality requirements grow, Odoo Website Builder can scale accordingly without compromising on performance. Your website remains responsive and fast, even during periods of high demand.
  • Cost-Efficient Growth: Scaling with Odoo Website Builder is cost-effective. You won't need to reinvent your entire website or migrate to a different platform as you expand. This scalability reduces long-term costs and simplifies the management of your online presence.

As I said, it is critical for any business. Cost is essential, so having the ability to scale quickly and, importantly, effortlessly is critical.

Odoo Community Support

Choosing Odoo Website Builder means you're not navigating the website development journey alone. The platform offers a wealth of support options, and it's backed by a vibrant user community. Here's why this level of support is invaluable:

  • Extensive Documentation: Odoo provides comprehensive documentation, user guides, and tutorials that guide you through the website building process. These resources are indispensable for beginners and experts alike.
  • Community of Experts: Odoo's user community is an invaluable resource. It's a place to ask questions, share insights, and benefit from the collective knowledge of experienced users and developers. If you encounter any issues or have questions, you can rely on this network for assistance.

As once a new Odooer myself, I would highly recommend to take a look at their documentation on offer.

Knowledge Is A Super Power

In conclusion, choosing Odoo Website Builder is a strategic decision that brings together the power of seamless integration with Odoo's suite of business applications, scalability to support your business growth, and robust support from both official documentation and an active user community.

This comprehensive package makes Odoo Website Builder an exceptional choice for building and managing your website, no matter the size or complexity of your business.

In the next section of this article, we'll delve deeper into the specific features that contribute to Odoo Website Builder's appeal in the website development landscape.

Oh, and I nearly forgot...

If the community is something of interest, I would highly recommend taking a look at our Odoo LinkedIn Newsletter to keep updated on eventsnews and feature upgrades.

Odoo Website Builder Features

Embarking on your website development journey with Odoo Website Builder means unlocking a treasure trove of powerful features designed to elevate your web presence.

In this chapter, we will take a closer look at the core features that make Odoo Website Builder a standout choice in the realm of website development.

[Source - Giphy]

From its intuitive drag-and-drop interface to its commitment to responsive designseamless e-commerce integration, and SEO-friendly capabilities, Odoo Website Builder empowers you with the tools needed to craft visually appealing, high-performing, and user-friendly websites.

Join me as we explore these features in detail and uncover how they can help you create a website that leaves a lasting impression and drives your online success.

Drag-And-Drop Interface

Odoo Website Builder is known for its incredibly user-friendly and intuitive drag-and-drop interface, a feature that simplifies the entire website creation process. This intuitive design is a game-changer for both beginners and experienced developers.

The drag-and-drop interface of Odoo Website Builder allows you to placemove, and rearrange website elements with remarkable ease. You can literally pick up and drop various components onto your webpage, eliminating the need for intricate coding or design skills.

This level of simplicity ensures that you don't have to be a web development expert to craft a professional-looking website. Whether you're a business owner, a freelance designer, or a DIY enthusiast, you'll find the process straightforward and enjoyable.

Odoo Website Building Blocks

Odoo Website Builder provides an extensive library of building blocks and content elements. You can choose from a wide range of pre-designed sections like headersfooterscall-to-action buttonsformsimages, and more.

These building blocks serve as the foundation for your website. You can pick and choose the elements that align with your brand's style and objectives and then arrange them effortlessly on your webpages.

Real-Time Customisation

One of the most remarkable features of the drag-and-drop interface is the ability to see your changes in real-time. As you move and adjust elements on your webpage, the preview is immediately updated, providing instant feedback on how your site will appear to your visitors.

This real-time customisation saves you time and frustration. You can experiment with different layoutscolours, and content arrangements until you achieve the precise look and functionality you desire.

Summary of Odoo's Website Features

In summary, Odoo Website Builder's drag-and-drop interface revolutionises website creation by offering a user-friendly and efficient way to build, customise, and preview your site.

It empowers users with an extensive library of building blocksreal-time customisation, and responsive design options, ensuring that your website not only looks stunning but also functions flawlessly on all devices.

This is just one of the many standout features that make Odoo Website Builder a top choice for website development.

Odoo 17 Website Builder

Now, while we are talking about features, I think it is also important to cover the new features that will be arriving in 2024. Announced at Odoo Experience 2023.

To get the full experience, I would highly recommend taking a look at this Debrief on OXP. We have covered everything from new Website features to a recap on the event.

If you want to learn more about Odoo 17, then have a listen to the podcast below.

Website Responsive Design

Responsive design is a cornerstone of successful web development in today's digital landscape. In an era where users access websites on an array of devices, from desktop computers and laptops to smartphones and tablets, a website's ability to adapt and look great on any screen size is paramount.

In this section, we'll explore the significance of responsive design and how Odoo Website Builder excels in ensuring that websites created with the platform deliver a seamless user experience, regardless of the device.

The Importance of Responsive Design

In the not-so-distant past, websites were primarily designed for desktop screens. However, the rapid proliferation of smartphones and tablets has transformed the digital landscape.

Today, a substantial portion of web traffic comes from mobile devices. This shift in user behaviour underscores the importance of responsive design, which goes beyond mere aesthetics.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Responsive design ensures that your website is easily accessible and navigable on any device. It optimises the layoutfont sizes, and images to suit the screen's dimensions, making the user experience smooth and enjoyable.
  • Improved SEO: Search engines, like Google, prioritise mobile-friendly websites. A responsive design not only pleases your visitors but also boosts your search engine rankings. This leads to increased visibility and organic traffic.
  • Wider Audience Reach: A responsive website accommodates a broader audience, including those who prefer browsing on mobile devices. This inclusivity can have a substantial impact on your website's reach and engagement.
  • Reduced Bounce Rate: A responsive website accommodates a broader audience, including those who prefer browsing on mobile devices. This inclusivity can have a substantial impact on your website's reach and engagement.

Let's not forget that responsive design is critical. Website visitors are not just going to land on your website across desktop. If I have struggled to get the point across then take a look at this, going again back to Search Engine Optimisation.

Mobile SEO Benefits

Odoo Websites Responsive Design

Odoo Website Builder understands the critical importance of responsive design in the modern digital landscape. It offers a suite of features that guarantee your website looks exceptional on any device:

  • Mobile Optimisation: Odoo Website Builder provides tools to optimise your website's appearance on mobile devices. You can easily rearrange and customise the content to ensure it's mobile-friendly without affecting the desktop version.
  • Responsive Themes: The platform offers a selection of responsive themes that automatically adjust to various screen sizes. These themes are designed to be visually appealing and functional on desktopstablets, and smartphones.
  • Real-Time Preview: With Odoo Website Builder's drag-and-drop interface, you can preview how your site will appear on different devices in real-time. This feature allows you to fine-tune the design and layout to suit various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent and polished user experience.

In summary, responsive design is not just a trend but a fundamental requirement in today's digital landscape. Odoo Website Builder recognises this and equips users with the tools and features needed to create websites that adapt seamlessly to different devices. 

This ensures that your site not only looks great but also performs optimally, regardless of whether it's accessed on a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. 

This commitment to responsive design is one of the reasons Odoo Website Builder excels in delivering a superior user experience.

E-Commerce Integration

In an increasingly digital world, the ability to sell products online is a vital component of many businesses' success. Odoo Website Builder recognises this need and seamlessly integrates e-commerce capabilities into its platform.

[Source - Odoo]

In this section, we will delve into how Odoo Website Builder empowers businesses to establish and manage online stores, showcasing key features such as product cataloguespayment gateways, and inventory management.

Empowering Businesses to Sell Online

E-commerce is not merely a 'buzzword' but a fundamental aspect of modern business. Whether you are a small retailer, a large manufacturer, or a service provider, the ability to sell your products or services online opens new avenues for revenue and customer engagement.

In this day and age, if you are product-focused, it is where the money is...

Odoo Website Builder brings these opportunities within your reach.

Odoo's Extensive Product Catalogues

A well-organised product catalogue is the backbone of any successful online store. Odoo Website Builder provides robust tools to create and manage your product catalogue with ease:

  • Product Listings: You can add and categorise a wide array of products or services within your catalogue, each with its own details, images, and pricing information.
  • Product Variants: For businesses offering multiple variations of the same product (such as size or colour options), Odoo Website Builder supports the creation of product variants, ensuring that customers can make precise choices.
  • Product Descriptions: You can include comprehensive descriptions and specifications for each item, giving customers all the information they need to make informed decisions.

Perfect for any business in a eCommerce system online.

Secure Payment Gateways

Facilitating secure and convenient online payments is crucial to any e-commerce venture. Odoo Website Builder offers a variety of payment gateways to meet the needs of both businesses and customers:

  • Multiple Payment Options: The platform supports multiple payment methods, including credit card paymentsPayPalbank transfers, and more. This flexibility ensures that customers can choose their preferred method.
  • Secure Transactions: Odoo takes security seriously, implementing encryption and other measures to protect financial transactions and customer data, instilling trust in your online store.

Of course, super critical to any store.

Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management is a cornerstone of successful e-commerce. Odoo Website Builder streamlines this process, ensuring that you can maintain control over your product stock:

  • Real-Time Inventory Updates: The platform offers real-time inventory updates, so you always know the exact status of your stock. This feature helps prevent overselling and reduces manual effort in managing inventory.
  • Order Tracking: Odoo Website Builder also provides order tracking, which enables customers to monitor the status of their purchases. It keeps them informed and enhances their overall shopping experience.

Not to forget that with Odoo, you once again have everything in one system for one price.

Streamlined Checkout Process

A smooth and efficient checkout process is paramount to reducing cart abandonment rates. Odoo Website Builder optimises this crucial step with features like:

  • One-Page Checkout: Odoo Website Builder offers a one-page checkout option, simplifying the process for customers and minimising distractions that can deter them from completing their purchase.
  • Guest Checkout: Customers can choose to check out as guests, eliminating the need for them to create an account if they prefer a quicker purchase process.

In summary, Odoo Website Builder's e-commerce integration empowers businesses to establish and manage online stores with ease. The platform offers an extensive product catalogue, secure payment gateways, efficient inventory management, and a streamlined checkout process.

Odoo's payment processor options.

[Source - Odoo]

These features are designed to enhance the customer shopping experience, streamline business operations, and ultimately boost online sales. 

Whether you're a small business or an enterprise, Odoo Website Builder provides the tools you need to succeed in the competitive world of e-commerce. 

SEO-Friendly Features In Odoo

In the digital realm, search engine optimisation (SEO) is the linchpin of online visibility and success. Websites that are optimised for search engines are more likely to rank higher in search results and attract a broader audience.

"SEO is not just about being found, it's about being found and chosen."

Andy Crestodina

Odoo Website Builder recognises the paramount importance of SEO and equips users with a range of tools and features to bolster their website's SEO performance. 

In this section, we will explore these SEO-friendly features and discuss how they can help websites ascend the search engine rankings.

The Power of SEO

Search engine optimisation is the art and science of optimising a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). The benefits of strong SEO practices are multi-fold:

  • Increased Visibility: Websites that appear on the first page of search results are more likely to be seen by users searching for relevant information, products, or services.
  • Enhanced Credibility: High search engine rankings instil trust in visitors. They often perceive top-ranking websites as more credible and authoritative.
  • More Organic Traffic: Organic traffic from search engines is often highly targeted. It can drive a steady stream of potential customers or readers to your website.
  • Better User Experience: SEO involves improving the overall user experience, from site speed and mobile-friendliness to well-structured content. This benefits not only search engines but also your visitors.

As you know, SEO can make or break any website.

Odoo's Website Builder SEO Tools

Odoo Website Builder excels in offering a suite of SEO tools and features that empower users to enhance their website's search engine performance:

  • SEO-Friendly: The platform allows you to create SEO-friendly URLs for your pages, blog posts, and product listings. These URLs are concise, descriptive, and contain relevant keywords to improve your chances of ranking well in search results.
  • Meta Titles and Descriptions: You can customise the meta titles and descriptions for your web pages. These elements provide a concise summary of what the page is about and play a crucial role in search engine rankings and click-through rates.
  • Image Optimisation: Images can significantly impact website load times and user experience. Odoo Website Builder provides tools to optimise images, ensuring they don't slow down your site's performance.
  • Sitemaps: The platform generates sitemaps automatically, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index your website. This results in better visibility in search results.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: As mentioned in a previous section, Odoo Website Builder emphasises responsive design. Mobile-friendliness is a significant factor in search engine rankings, and the platform ensures that your website looks and performs well on all devices.
  • Analytics Integration: The platform supports integration with analytics tools like Google Analytics and Plausible. This enables you to track user behaviour and gain insights into how your website is performing in terms of traffic, user engagement, and conversions.
  • Structured Data: Odoo Website Builder allows you to add structured data to your pages. This can enhance your search engine results with rich snippets, providing more information to users and increasing the likelihood of clicks.

Of course, you have to remember that feature upgrades also come for free every year with version upgrades.

Content Management And Blogging

A robust content management system is integral to SEO success. Odoo Website Builder includes features like blogging and content management to help you create and manage content that appeals to both users and search engines.

  • Blogging: You can easily create and publish blog posts, which can serve as a valuable source of fresh, relevant, and engaging content for your audience.
  • Content Organisation: Odoo Website Builder supports well-organised content, including categories and tags, which help users and search engines find and understand your content.
  • Content Optimisation: The platform provides tools for on-page content optimisation. This includes easy management of headings (H1, H2, etc.)image alt text, and internal linking.

In summary, Odoo Website Builder's SEO-friendly features are designed to help websites rank higher in search engine results.

Odoo's blogging system showcased on Odoo website.

[Source - Cybrosis Technologies]

These tools, such as SEO-friendly URLs, meta titles and descriptions, image optimisation, sitemaps, and analytics integration, provide the foundation for successful SEO practices.

Additionally, the content management and blogging features empower users to create and optimise content that appeals to both users and search engines, enhancing their website's visibility and credibility in the digital landscape. 

Whether you're a business, blogger, or content creator, Odoo Website Builder equips you with the tools needed to succeed in the competitive world of SEO.

Benefits of The Odoo Website Builder

When it comes to website development, cost considerations often play a pivotal role in decision-making.

Odoo Website Builder distinguishes itself as a cost-effective solution, making it an attractive option for businesses and individuals looking to establish a strong online presence without breaking the bank.

You can even take a look at some of the websites currently built on Odoo.

Built Using Odoo Website

In this section, we will delve into how Odoo Website Builder offers budget-friendly solutions and provide pricing details, comparing them to similar platforms.

The Price Factor In Website Development

For businesses and individuals, especially those with limited budgets, the cost of building and maintaining a website is a critical factor. A cost-effective website development solution can make all the difference, offering advantages that extend beyond the initial investment:

  • Affordability: Cost-effective website builders allow you to create and maintain a professional website without incurring exorbitant expenses.
  • Scalability: An economical website solution should support your business as it grows, ensuring that you can expand your online presence without significant cost increases.
  • Resource Efficiency: Budget-friendly platforms often streamline the development process, reducing the need for extensive technical expertise and saving you time and resources.

Odoo Website Builder's Pricing Model

Odoo Website Builder adopts a pricing model that is designed to be accessible to businesses of all sizes, as well as individuals. Here is a breakdown of Odoo's pricing details:

  • Free Plan: Odoo offers a free plan that allows you to get started without any upfront costs. It's an excellent choice for those who want to explore the platform's features before committing to a paid plan.
  • Subscription Plans: For more extensive features and functionality, Odoo provides subscription plans that are competitively priced. These plans offer a range of options to suit the unique needs of different users.
  • Customisation Options: Odoo's pricing structure allows you to customise your plan to meet your exact requirements. This flexibility ensures that you only pay for the features and resources you need.

Comparing Pricing With Similar Platforms

Odoo Website Builder's pricing options, including a free plan, competitive subscription plans, and customisation choices, position it as a cost-effective solution compared to similar platforms. The ability to tailor your plan to your specific needs ensures that you can maintain a professional online presence while staying within your budget. Don't also forget about Odoo's hosting options which are equally as important to consider.

We highly recommend Odoo.sh for its support options and flexibility. We will leave you to find out more about that separately, however.

Let's compare the pricing of Odoo Website Builder with similar platforms:

PlatformFree PlanSubscription PlansCustomisable Pricing
Odoo Website Builder✔️✔️✔️

This is a great comparison, especially considering the majority of you will be on one of the other platforms.

The Odoo Website Builder's pricing model offers flexibility and affordability, making it a budget-friendly option for website development. 

Whether you're an individual blogger, a small business owner, or an enterprise, Odoo's pricing options align with your unique requirements, allowing you to build a compelling online presence without straining your financial resources. For more information about the pricing - you can find the packages below to start your journey.

Website Pricing Options

It is also important to mention the best bit when it comes to the pricing. One price gets you all the apps. From CRM, Inventory, eCommerce - even down to other apps you might not need such as Employees or Events. The important thing is that they are there if you need them. At no extra cost. Perfect for any small business or anyone looking to consolidate their tech stack.

If you want to learn more about how the website module links to other applications within Odoo, along with further best practices to consider - take some time out to have a look through our most recent podcast on Planet Odoo.

Integration With Odoo ERP

Integrating your website with Odoo's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your business operations. A business management software tool for all types of business.

Firstly however, what is an ERP?

"Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a platform companies use to manage and integrate the essential parts of their businesses. Many ERP software applications are critical to companies because they help them implement resource planning by integrating all the processes needed to run their companies in a single system. An ERP software system can also integrate planning, purchasing inventory, sales, marketing, finance, human resources and more."


Imagine a vast collection of business apps at your disposal. Got something to improve?

There is an app for that. No complexity, no additional cost, just a one-click install. 

Each app simplifies a process and empowers more people. Imagine the impact when everyone gets the right tool for the job, with perfect integration.

Odoo 17 Applications

[Source - Odoo]

Let's explore the advantages of this integration and how it streamlines various aspects of your business, from inventory management to customer relationship management. As I previously mentioned, having access to every single application for just one price is a bargain. It would make sense to utilise them where possible.

The Power of ERP Integration

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are comprehensive software solutions designed to streamline and centralise various business processes.

When your website is seamlessly integrated with an ERP system like Odoo, you unlock a range of advantages:

  • Efficient Data Management: Integration allows for the efficient management of critical business data, including customer information, sales orders, inventory levels, and more.
  • Real-Time Synchronisation: Data is synchronised in real time between your website and ERP system, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the most up-to-date information.
  • Streamlined Operations: The integration simplifies and automates various processes, reducing manual work and minimising errors in tasks like order processing and inventory management.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers benefit from quicker response times, accurate order tracking, and personalised services, leading to improved satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Data Analytics: Customers benefit from quicker response times, accurate order tracking, and personalised services, leading to improved satisfaction and loyalty.

Advantages of Odoo ERP Integration

Odoo Website Builder's integration with Odoo's ERP software offers a multitude of advantages that elevate your business operations:

Odoo 17 Application Dashboard

[Source - Odoo]

  • Unified Customer Management: Your website and ERP system share customer data, ensuring a unified view of customer interactions and history. This allows you to provide personalised services and timely support.
  • Effortless Inventory Management: Integrated inventory management enables you to monitor stock levels, automate restocking, and reduce the risk of over or under stocking products.
  • Ordering Processing Automation: Orders placed on your website are automatically processed in the ERP system. This minimises order fulfilment times and reduces the likelihood of errors in order handling.
  • Seamless Accounting: Financial data from your website transactions is directly integrated into the ERP's accounting module, streamlining financial management and reporting.
  • Marketing Insights: Integrated data allows you to better understand customer behaviour, enabling more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.
  • Workflow Automation: Workflows are streamlined, leading to increased efficiency in various business processes such as sales, marketing, and customer support.

A Unified Business Ecosystem

The integration between Odoo Website Builder and additional Odoo apps creates a unified business ecosystem where your website operates in harmony with other essential business functions. Perfect if your business is looking to also scale, which we will touch on in a second.

This seamless connection enhances productivityreduces operational costs, and ultimately drives business growth. By centralising data and automating processes, you gain a competitive edge in a dynamic and ever-evolving marketplace.

Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, the advantages of Odoo's ERP integration can transform the way you operate and serve your customers.


Start integrating Odoo ERP to connect your business processes into one effortless management system. Get started today.

Integrating Odoo

If you want to learn more about Odoo as an ERP in addition to just the Website Builder, I would take a listen of Odoo CEO - Fabien Pinckaers insights into the platform.

Odoo's Scalability

In the dynamic landscape of online business, scalability is a key factor that can make the difference between stagnation and growth. Odoo Website Builder is engineered to not only meet your current needs but also to scale seamlessly with the growth of your business.

"To understand the importance of having a scaleable website, think of scalability as a balancing act. If you have set your website up to handle millions of visitors at once, but you have 20-30 visitors per day, then your expenditure on resources will be higher than necessary. If one of your products does go viral, then the sudden increase in number of visitors could make your website's lack of scalability a serious revenue bottleneck.

Maddy Osman (Website Expert) - The Blogsmith

In this section, we will explore how Odoo Website Builder accommodates changes in traffic and functionality, providing a foundation that evolves alongside your business. Not to mention that you might be looking at Odoo from a long-term growth perspective, deciding if the platform really is for you.

Essence of Scalability

Scalability is the ability of a system or platform to handle increased demands without sacrificing performance or functionality. For businesses, scalability is crucial as it allows for:

  • Adaptability to Grow: A scalable platform can grow in tandem with your business, ensuring that your website remains responsive and efficient as your audience and operations expand.
  • Flexibility in Traffic Handling: Scalability enables your website to handle fluctuations in traffic, whether it's a sudden surge due to a marketing campaign or steady growth over time.
  • Future Proofing: A scalable solution future-proofs your business by providing a robust foundation for new features, increased data, and evolving technology requirements.

It's also important to think about your business as a whole when it comes to scalability. With increased demands and complexities of running different systems to accommodate growth, Odoo cancels that out ensuring everything is kept in one single platform. Made possible by its modular architecture allowing for the removal or addition of any application in a given time.

With now over 12 million users and 50,000+ companies, Odoo's scalability speaks for itself across a vast amount of regions and business sizes.

Odoo's Website Builder Scalability

Odoo Website Builder excels in scalability, offering a foundation that can evolve alongside your business journey. As with growing companies, it's critical to mention that you want to ensure that if you are investing within a platform, it is for the long term. Built with businesses in mind of course.

Website builder for businesses.

[Source - Odoo]

Here's how it accommodates changes in traffic and functionality:

  • Elastic Infrastructure: Odoo employs elastic infrastructure, allowing your website to dynamically adjust resources based on traffic fluctuations. Whether you experience a spike in visitors or a steady increase in daily interactions, Odoo ensures optimal performance.
  • Resource Allocation: As your business grows, Odoo Website Builder enables you to allocate resources efficiently. Whether it's increasing server capacity, optimising databases, or enhancing caching mechanisms, the platform adapts to meet your evolving needs.
  • High Performance: The architecture of Odoo Website Builder is designed for high performance. This ensures that your website maintains fast load times and responsiveness even as the volume of content and user interactions grows.
  • Scalable Database Structure: The database structure is scalable, accommodating an increasing volume of data without compromising on speed. This is particularly crucial for businesses that deal with expanding product catalogues, customer databases, and transaction records.
  • Plugin And App Integration: Odoo's modular architecture allows for seamless integration with additional apps and plugins. As your business requires new functionalities, you can easily integrate new modules without disrupting the existing setup, ensuring a smooth and scalable expansion.
  • Optimised For Mobile Devices: With the increasing prevalence of mobile users, Odoo Website Builder ensures scalability on different devices. Whether your audience accesses your site from desktops, tablets, or smartphones, the platform delivers a consistent and optimised experience.

If you want to learn more about optimising your Odoo website, I would recommend the video below. Looking at assessing performance across UTMAnalyticsLinksAutomations and Target Content.

Odoo Community Support

In the realm of website building, having reliable support and a thriving user community is invaluable. Odoo Website Builder not only provides robust support options but also fosters a collaborative community where users can share insights and seek assistance.

Odoo support employees.

[Source - Odoo]

Odoo offers official support through various channels, including ticket-based supportlive chat, and email. Users can directly reach out to the Odoo support team to address specific queries, technical issues, or seek guidance on utilising the platform to its fullest potential. Additionally, customers will always have the substantial benefit of having an Odoo Partner in their corner.

Odoo maintains a comprehensive knowledge base and documentation library. Users can access detailed guidestutorials, and FAQs, providing step-by-step instructions for various aspects of using Odoo Website Builder. This self-help resource is a valuable asset for users looking for quick answers and solutions.

As an Odoo Partner, we would highly recommend getting stuck into the documentation first. Odoo boasts a heap of resources that can be used to ensure that both you and the rest of your team are up-skilled regarding the features, 
technicalities, and benefits of the builder.

Odoo Website CoursES

Odoo conducts regular webinars and training sessions to educate users on the features and functionalities of Odoo Website Builder. These sessions serve as an interactive platform for users to enhance their skills, ask questions in real-time, and stay updated on the latest developments within the platform. You can find the upcoming events here for more information.

The Odoo community also actively operates on forums and discussion boards where users can freely exchange ideas, troubleshoot issues, and share best practices. These platforms serve as collaborative spaces where users can tap into the collective knowledge of the Odoo community.

Odoo supports the formation of local user groups and meet ups, allowing users to connect with fellow enthusiasts in their region. These gatherings provide an opportunity for networking, knowledge-sharing, and fostering a sense of community among Odoo users. Typically named Odoo Roadshows. You will be able to find them within your region every year. Keep an eye out for them.

Odoo employees attending event.

[Source - Odoo]

The combination of official support channels and a vibrant user community distinguishes Odoo Website Builder as more than just a tool; it's part of a collaborative ecosystem. It's something that is not typically mentioned when it comes to a website builder, but it is an important note to make with Odoo.

The strength of the support infrastructure and the active user community contribute to the overall success and satisfaction of Odoo Website Builder users. It reflection it is a bloody great platform.


If you think Odoo might be the platform, then you have come to the right place. Get in touch with us to learn more.

Get Started With An Odoo Website

Odoo Website FAQs

Yes, it certainly does. Announced at Odoo Experience 2023, AI will be coming to the Odoo website. You will be able to boost your copywriting skills across paragraphs, titles and pages with built-in ChatGPT. Through a simple prompt, improve the content to the right tone in just one simple click.

Of course, with new features on the horizon with Odoo 17, it is only becoming more accessible and easier to ensure that you get ahead of your competition online. 

Yes, your website is free forever. This includes Odoo's 'One App Free' plan, which also includes hosting, unlimited support and maintenance across your website. There are no ads or limits, just website building the way it should be. Not to mention that your domain name is also free.

You can set up your own domain name for Odoo. You can also manage email addresses as well. If you do need any assistance, then you can always consult our website experts for further information.

Odoo's website builder has many benefits over WordPress as a website builder, including various factors based on needs and preferences. This includes ease of use, integration with other platforms, community support and cost.

The primary language used is Python. For any company looking to enlist Odoo Website into their business, other languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript will also be further helpful in developing additional content if desired.

You can indeed. To ensure that you consistently have visitors to your website, you will be able to adjust SEO settings across Odoo Website and Odoo eCommerce. The advantage of this is that everything is built within Odoo, and additional plugins will not be needed.

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